voice bank

英 [vɔɪs bæŋk] 美 [vɔɪs bæŋk]

网络  声音库



  1. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account& all of which nobody has access to but you.
  2. Since the end of the second world war, the US has been the dominant voice, partly thanks to the creation of the Washington-based World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
  3. I shared with a guy who used to call his mom and at the top of his voice discuss her doctor's appointments, illnesses and how much money she had in the bank.
  4. The debate over the relative significance of inflationary pressures and slowing economic growth resulted in one dissenting voice when the US central bank voted to keep rates on hold this month.
  5. The voice of the customer is very important to Bank of America as it continually monitors and improves its customer service.
  6. In a sensible world, there would be one European voice at the IMF and World Bank, and we would give up our seigneurial rights to nominate the head of the fund.
  7. The international Middle East Quartet has added its voice to those urging Israel to extend the self-declared moratorium on West Bank settlement activity that is due to expire at the end of the month.
  8. Study on the Method of Building Voice Bank Used in Text to speech System
  9. I look forward to working with the Bank shareholders to ensure that we secure proper voice and participation in the governance of the World Bank Group.
  10. When she began to speak, her voice had softened, and she said in a dignified manner: "The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father."
  11. The IPCB implementation is proposed to connect the voice service of enterprise based on Channel Bank and VoIP Gateway to IP network.
  12. Technique and Principles of Design for IP Voice in Bank
  13. Real estate in recent years has become the undisputed most popular consumer point, but the voice of a shortage of funds has never stopped, the underlying reason for this is the absolute dependence on bank loans.
  14. The system of bank call center is based on the computer voice system which makes use of the telephone, computer network and other communication network to connect to the bank server.